Scratch: computer programming enrichment at AALC
Charles Roth, 16 Jan 2010
I. Introduction
is a simple computer programming "language" for kids.
It provides a simple and elegant platform for building your
own games and experiments.
Scratch is free, and runs on most computers, including Windows 98
and above, and Mac's.
During the Jan-Feb 2010 Friday enrichment period at
I am teaching a class on Scratch to a group of intermediate
school students, ages 9-11.
This page is primarily intended as a resource for my students,
although I am happy to talk to anyone about Scratch.
II. Student programs
I have placed some of my students' programs here, for ease of
downloading in case they want to work with them at home.
Note: many of the computers that we are using at AALC
run Windows 98(!), and can only run Scratch 1.2.
(The current version is 1.4.)
If you build a Scratch program under 1.4, it will probably
not work on the older computers.